As Google becomes more and more repulsive I’ve looked for alternatives for some of their products. For a while now I’ve used , a PeerTube instance, for some synth related videos. PeerTube is an open source, decentralized video platform. In other words, a place (or rather, a bunch of places) to post videos that isn’t under the control of some narcissistic billionaire or a huge corporation intent on sucking up as much money as possible.
Two problems, though; one, is focused on creativity and electronics, fine for synth videos but not so much for some other subjects, and, two, appears to be in trouble: There’s a notice up saying “Please move to another server, especially if your account is over 100GB! I can’t keep paying for this storage. I reserve the right to delete accounts whenever I need to, and I’ll start with large accounts that have owners I haven’t heard from.” I’m nowhere near 100 GB but that message doesn’t bode well.
So I’ve opened an account on a second PeerTube instance, Spectra Video . Whether it’ll turn out to be any more viable or not, we’ll see, but right now it looks like one of the better options.
My original intention was to use it mainly for morris (and other folk dance and music) videos. That’s what I have there now:
- 9/8 rapper sword dance from the recent Dog Days Ale
- Lichfield Sheriff’s Ride from the recent Dog Days Ale
- (Neo-)Border morris dance from the recent Dog Days Ale
- Bouwerie Oddington Gville 2024 from the most recent Gilbertsville
- Ducklington Jockey from Gilbertsville in 2018
But, seeing the notice, I guess I’ll be transferring the synth videos to there too.
<– 2024-08-10_dog-days-ale-2024 — 2024-09-17_forest-of-dean-morris –>